
Tuesday, January 4, 2011


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  1. Hello
    My son is now 8 and also struggled to walk. We ended up giving him a cane at age 3 and a bit (against advice from mobility professionals) and have never looked back. If it is "only" the visual impairment, then there is every chance that a cane will help. Would suggest visiting the for information, and maybe emailing Daniel Kish - for advice. If anyone can get her walking, it will be him.

    Good luck.


    p.s. Great blog!

  2. Thanks Iain. I will contact him right away! I am familiar with World Access for the Blind, as well. Great organization! I'd love to keep in touch with you as well. Feel free to check back at my blog often. I plan on keeping it well updated and will be launching a website very soon! Good luck and thank you for the support. It means the most!

  3. Hello,

    I am a student at Olin College and am currently in a class called User Oriented Collaborative Design. The class involves splitting up into teams to learn as much as possible about a specific “user group” and then design a product/service that would be innovative and meaningful to our user group. My team chose people who work with blind children as our user group and since then have been trying to learn as much as possible! We also have been reading many different blogs, and we came across yours! We were wondering if we could possibly talk to you? We just think you sound so amazing and knowledgeable on the subject! That would be so amazing!

    We appreciate all the help we could get in our project! Let me know what you think!

    Thank you so much!


  4. Thank you so much for all of your stories and advice. They were very helpful and inspirational. We really appreciate your time and we would love to keep in touch with you!
    Mandy and Mariah

  5. Mariah and Mandy - You are so very welcome. I love to share my stories and hope it helped with your project. Email me at and I can send you some more information if you would like. Good luck with your project. I'd love to hear more about it and what else you learn. I think it is wonderful that your group chose blind children as your focus!


Thanks for the comments!